From Individual Contributor to Product Leader

Let’s assume a product leader has been a rock star Product Manager before: she knows the craft, can guide others, and has previously delivered great outcomes. Without that, it’s hard to imagine becoming a product leader. Yes, the world has seen some outstanding coaches in sports who haven’t necessarily been great performers themselves — but still, in Product Management relevant prior experience is a must.

The trick is, what brought you here won’t get you there: In several aspects, changing the role into leadership will bring new challenges. Let’s consider three main areas:

Lead People and Processes

Probably the most significant change comes with becoming the manager of others. For the Product Leader, these will be the Product Managers, Product Marketing, Product Operations, UX, and whoever might be part of the product organization, depending on the structure of the company. Suddenly, any achievement as an individual contributor PM becomes less relevant in favor of many different aspects related to people, processes, and strategy. For example:

From working with a team in some dedicated product area

To leading and coordinating a team of Product Managers, each working in their area

From working with an agile coach to improve collaboration in the team

To motivating, coaching and mentoring other product managers

From working with colleagues and teams recruited by others

To hiring and onboarding new team members

From running discovery inside a specific product area

To driving and aligning discovery for multiple teams

From setting specific goals for the next product release

To providing strategy so others can align their goals

From analyzing product data to improve the product experience

To driving alignment to build product analytics across multiple teams

From doing the product management job with given frameworks

To constantly driving for excellence inside the product management team

To emphasize, we would say that the Product Leader will have two main products:

  • Firstly, the team that needs to be mentored and coached.

  • Secondly, the product strategy to ensure strong alignment across the organization.

Further Reading

Moving from Individual Contributor to Product Leader

Moving from Individual Contributor to Product Leader

What you need to think about if you’re crossing the leadership chasm.

Jason Knight | Medium